February 17, 2025
Yesterday I talked about how the Tongue is our Rudder...it kind of falls in line
with, expect a miracle get a miracle...when you are expecting a package in the
mail you are confident it is coming and when someone asks about it you can say
"Yea, I'm getting it in the mail" you KNOW it's coming...same thing
with a miracle...when you have faith you know it's coming. But now that you have
that lesson under your belt...you have to have the next in order to have
effective prayer...
God has made THOUSANDS of promises to us in the Bible...and He has some
requirements that have to be met before He can honor some of those promises. The
Lord has chosen you, for what you may not know yet, so now you are humbled, you
are praying constantly crying our for Him to help you but your not getting an
answer or any feedback on your petition...
Are you living your life as righteous as possible? Can you stand in front of God
right now and be proud of your life, the way you live, talk, think, react, etc?
Can people walk away from you after a conversation and say.."You know ----
is a good person, she lives her life the way a life should be lived, she is a
godly woman and it shows"?
Take a look at your lifestyle, are you hanging out with people that are doing
the complete opposite of what you are trying to make your life? If so it may be
time for a little spring cleaning...
When I considered my righteousness, I just imagined Jesus walking by my side ALL
DAY long... would I do some of the things I do if He were there visibly? HECK
NO!!! I started to live each day as if I could physically see the Lord next to
me and I adjusted my ways accordingly...it was then that I started seeing ALL of
my prayers answered.... We may not be able to see Jesus with our eyes...but he
is there...Make Him proud of you...whatever you have in your life that you KNOW
is not righteous throw it away, if you don't know how...ask The Lord to help
you...and he will. I knew that developing porn sites was wrong...but the $20K
per week it brought it felt so very right...I KNEW I had to let it go and trust
God would take care of me...but I had a hard time doing it...then one night the
Lord spoke to me, He said "Shell...do you love Scott enough to give up all
of that? and more importantly...Do you Love ME enough to give up all of
that?" I dropped my current $12,000 contract THAT MINUTE!!! I felt so good
afterwards...like God was smiling down on me...I try every single minute of
every single day to make Him smile down on me... Do you? You want Him to listen
to you? You want Him to answer you? Then Be the person He needs you to be to
serve HIM!!! God Bless each and everyone of you on your new way of righteous
The Third Step to Effective Prayers - PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE!! - Coming tomorrow
Until we pray again... KEEP ON KEEPING ON