February 20, 2025
There is a Reason For Everything
Another beautiful sunny day here in South Florida... God is good!!! I hope all of you are resting up today for the week ahead. I am getting a record number of e-mails from people asking Why God allows us to have a broken heart...Well, I am not God, but I will do my very best to answer that question on His behalf. I prayed before I wrote this devotional and I am confident that the answer I am going to give you is an accurate one...now remember, this is MY answer, I feel at peace with it and I feel moved to write it... I hope it will bring you all comfort.
"Why?" a simple yet so very complex question...Why do we have to suffer Why did the person I love go away, why, why why.... here's what I think...
The Lord knows what is best for us, Oh, we think we do but once we become part of the body of Christ we have to humble ourselves and accept the fact that maybe we really don't. We always want a quick fix to the problem...we want the rainbow without the rain. But you know what? There has to be rain...Our hearts would lose their tenderness if we never felt sorrow...and The Lord uses sorrow and suffering to test us, He does not do this to punish us...he does it to prepare us for what lies ahead. A good solid oak tree is strengthened when it withstands the storm and a sharp chisel shapes marble with grace and often into beautiful creations. The Lord does not allow us to go through these trials for no reason, he does not waste our pain...he uses it and when we have withstood the storm he richly rewards it.
Have you ever stopped to count the blessings you have been given? The ones you take for granted? Which ones you say? How about intelligence, common sense, strength, the gifts you have that make you able to do your job each day, look in the mirror, what do you see? How about a beautiful head of hair, or perfect teeth...a beautiful and loving family...and most important...the heart you have, yes the one that is in so much pain right now...that my friends, is a gift from above...to have a heart that can feel what the Lord feels...He feels that pain also...would you rather have a hard heart and avoid the pain your feeling right now? Only to never know what it is to love? I didn't think so. Have you ever put aside the problem and thanked The Lord for the things you DO have? I make it a point every Sunday, no matter how bad I am hurting to just give praise and thanks to God...this is the day He set aside for rest, one day I got to thinking about how God never gets to rest...He is always awake always there for us...although I can not speak for the rest of the world, I can speak for myself and I have made a vow that even if I am only one person...I am going to praise and worship the Lord for all the things he does for me during the week...no matter how bad I am hurting.
The Lord loves us s very much, more than we will ever be able to comprehend, He will not send us pleasure when our soul's deep need is pain. The kind of pain that takes the focus of of our
worldly desires and re-focuses them onto our Godly desires. So even though everything seems really bad right now and everything seems to be going wrong...remember one thing, the most important thing...this is God's way of making our spirit strong.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's will. But even the
hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." Mathew-10:29-31