Is That God Talking to Me?

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Who's Who? Help Me to Hear You Lord...

When It's The Lord

When It's The Devil

Peace -We

know the Lord is close to us and we are on the right path by the peace we feel, a peace that surpasses all understanding. When we praise and pray and we feel peace descend like a dove it is God's Spirit moving within us.
Fear - Your afraid of the outcome, your afraid he is with someone else, your afraid that God will not or can not do what you are are afraid of the future...God did NOT give you a spirit of fear. Author: The Devil
Love- This is the kind of love that makes you want to walk up to complete strangers and hug them and tell them you love them. You start to look at the world through Jesus' eyes. Contempt- You feel great contempt towards God and anyone that is remotely involved in this situation you are in. The feeling is so strong you actually want to snarl sometimes
Forgiveness-This can be a tough one but when you ask the Lord to soften your heart and help you to forgive those whom have wronged you, you realize you really do love them too (see above) Confusion-Is this Gods will for me? What if it isn't is this doubt God speaking to me? Am I really praying for the right thing, do I keep praying? 
Hope- Better known as the butterflies. Your life is changing everyday and every minute. You have hope that the outcome will be what your heart desires. Doubt- Doubt that God can fix your situation, doubt there even is a God. Doubt about your direction and motives. Doubt is from the devil. God wants you to have FAITH that He can and WILL Do the IMPOSSIBLE. If God were saying NO, or already had.. then why would the devil be trying so hard to make you doubt? 
Joy- The joy you feel is from God, it is Him smiling down upon you as you conform your life to that of Jesus'. You feel Joy in knowing He is always with you and always only a prayer away. Jealousy- This is just a wicked emotion. There is no good to it when used against others. It is destructive and accomplishes nothing. The only one that has the right to be jealous is God. He wants you to worship and love no other God but him...
Trust- Amazing how we trust each other but we have a hard time trusting the One who created us. When you feel peace knowing that whatever the outcome is God will make it perfect you have trust. If He can make the world and all that is in can trust Him. Don't you think? Guilt-Feeling like it's all your fault. You didn't do what you thought you could have. What if's. You don't feel worthy of God's love or forgiveness. Guilt is a wasted emotion. God does not hold your past sins against you, when you ask forgiveness he wipes the slate clean. NEW BEGINNING!!
Hunger for the Word of God-You have an extreme hunger to learn more about the God that created you and can do all things. The Bible holds all of the promises and instructions for living a righteous life, a righteous life leads to effective prayers. Rebellion- So God didn't give you what you wanted when you wanted it how you expected it. Now your mad, There is no God, He doesn't love me, I will just go out and do what I did before. Ignoring the pull in your heart to look to the left side of this page. The devil does NOT want you to be close to God. He'll even use logic to trap you. God's wisdom outweighs the devils logic ANY DAY!!
Faith- Jesus is the author and the finisher of faith. Without it you have nothing. Each of us are GIVEN a mustard seed size of faith. What we do with it from there tells us what we are seeking, His hand or his face. Depression- Feeling like it is never going to get better. That down in the dumps just want to lay down and die. The lack of desire to do your normal every day routine, being plunged into a pit of despair. This is one of the devil's most dangerous methods. He has  captured one soul too many with this device.
Delight- To be sincerely happy and content with The Lord's presence in your life. To look to Him for pleasure and for the warm fuzzies you get in your heart. If you get the warm fuzzies when you think of God, no matter how bad your situation may delight in Him. Separated From God- Feeling like God is so far away from you you'll never see him again. Like no one is there listening to your pleas for help. Continuing a life of sin will cause you to fell separated from God. 
Patience-To have faith beyond anything and trust in God that everything is going to be just fine and to be able to wait on it without worry. To know He is with you and that His grace is sufficient for you. Despair- This is all of the above mixed into one big lump. It's a feeling of devastation and sometimes we feel it right after feelings of extreme hope. The devil will show you every bad thing that has or could happen and he'll deceive you with thoughts that no one is listening.  This is the hardest of all of his tricks to deal with.

When you have all of the things in the left column 98% of the time and the things in the right column hardly ever...Get ready for a miracle. 

If the Devil were to write his own beatitudes, they would possibly go something like this:

 Blessed are those Christians who are TOO TIRED, TOO BUSY, too
 distracted to spend time with their fellow Christians in Church -
 for they are my best candidates to backslide.

 Blessed are those Christians who WAIT TO BE ASKED and EXPECT TO
 BE THANKED - for I can use them to slow things down.

 Blessed are those Christians who are TOUCHY; with a bit of luck
 they may STOP GOING TO CHURCH and get others to quit - they are
 my missionaries.

 Blessed are those Christians who are VERY RELIGIOUS but GET ON
 EVERYONE'S nerves - they are my most effective stumbling blocks.

 Blessed are those Christians who are TROUBLEMAKERS - they are my
 best wrecking crew.

 Blessed are those Christians who have NO TIME TO PRAY - they are
 easy prey for me.

 Blessed are those Christians who are COMPLAINERS - they are my
 best discouragers.

 Blessed are YOU when you read this and THINK IT IS ABOUT OTHER
 people and not yourself -- I've got you!


This is a good example of how the devil takes everyday life and uses it against us when we are careful.

God will get our attention one way or the other. Which way will He get

The Master called my name one day because he needed someone to go :
I said " God, in my spare time, between school, spending time with my
husband, working from 8 to 6, and trying to coordinate a program for my
community to help our children do better, I will help you look. See, I know
I can't go right now cause I have so much to do."

He said " well where shall I find such a person? I thought I saw your name
on my list of available people."

"Well God, that was the prayer that I prayed last year, but since then,
things have changed."

He said "like what?"

"Well I'm working on my Ph.D. and I'm needed by so many people and my
husband is always wanting something done, and on top of that my community
EXPECTS me to help and give to them so..."

"Well, seeing that you're busy, I'll let you go, but we will talk again,
if YOU have some time."

I went on through the days, and the weeks, and the months completing my
task as always.

One evening, while studying for my comp exams, I received a call from the
hospital concerning my husband. He had been in a terrible accident and was
in critical condition. I dropped everything and ran to the hospital where I
found my husband hanging on for dear life. I immediately begin to pray
"God, don't take him now, I can't bare it" but my prayer echoed off the wall and
returned into mine own ear.

That next morning I left the hospital tired and weary, and walked in the
door of my classroom just in time to begin my comps. As the professors
begin asking me questions I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. In my
mind, I begin praying, praying hard, but my prayer echoed again and found
myself upset at God because he was no where to be found. I could not
explain to them what was happening

After leaving from my exams, I called in to work because I was so
distraught at all that was going on. I explained to my supervisor what had happened
and she demanded that I take some time off.

After visiting my husband in the hospital that evening, I went home and
fell into a sunken state crying and despairing. Just then I heard someone
calling my name.

"God, is that YOU?"

"Well yes it is. Do YOU have some time? I wanted to see if I could just
talk "Instead of waiting to hear his questions, I lashed out in anger and

"How is it that when I needed you today, YOU couldn't be found and last
night I cried and cried but all I heard were echoes from the walls. My husband is dying, I'm flunking out of school, I may not have a job and you can just sit and say YOU want to
talk. . "

God interrupted me in my foolish speaking. "My child, I was busy, out
looking for someone to go and tell others about me when you cried. By the
time I came to answer you had moved on to something else. So, I decided to
let your husband rest, and keep you home for a few days that way MAYBE you
would get in touch with me, if YOU had some time. For you see, before your
husband, the community or your job needs you, I NEED YOU. And if all these
things take you away from me, I have to almost take them away from YOU, in
order to get a moment. "

I calmed down and began to cry. For I remembered my prayer of wanting to go
and do for the God.

He said "I just wanted to recheck with you to see if you knew of ANYONE
that I could send to be a witness for me and tell others about me. .. any one at

With tears in my eyes and feeling so unworthy I said " God, send me, I'll

God should never have to ask us if we have some time. We should be more
than GRATEFUL to do service for God, to witness, and to tell ANYONE we can.
Don't let your things", WHATEVER they may be, get you so tied up that God has to
become a meeting time in your yearly planner. He had more than enough time
for us. The least we could do is have time for him.

If YOU have some time, think more about this!

Author Unknown to me.






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