God Never Says No...

Author - Michele Washam

This article is dedicated to my father, Bill. Welcome to the family dad. I love you.

One of the most important things I have realized in my life is that God never says “No”. I have prayed many prayers that have resulted in answers but I have yet to pray a prayer and get no results.

In the beginning when we are new believers we often view a silent period as God saying “no” to our request for something. An answer we don’t recognize causes us to sometimes doubt He is really present in our lives and situations. It is only after time passes and God reveals the lesson through the wait or the new and improved answer that we are better able to see Him in all things and realize that God never says “no” to us.

I have prayed many a prayer and have received many an answer in my short walk. As I mature spiritually I have found my prayers have changed and the things I ask for or petition the Lord for are different than they were in the beginning. As I draw closer to Christ and my life takes on a more Christ like way I find myself seeking a higher quality answer to the prayers I pray.  What I am realizing is that quality isn’t the issue but my maturity is moving me straight into the path of His divine will for my life.  I am learning to pray for what HE delights in and in turn that delight is embedded in my own heart as I walk in His way more and more each day.  “Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” - Psalms 37:4 It is when we truly and sincerely learn to delight in Him that he puts the desires in our hearts and then sets out to fulfill them through our faith and devotion to Him.

About the third year into my walk and after I had received the “entrance miracle” or the miracle that started my Christian walk I started to sincerely pray for the salvation of my family members as well as other things. My prayers were for my earthly father whom I love more than water. He is and has always been my best friend and has given me the beautiful gift of wonderful childhood memories that any daddy’s girl would envy. In other words, he and my mom did a great job as parents and I love them very much but there will always be a special place in my heart for my dad. My parents will celebrate there 36th year of marriage in April 2025 and are the only parents I know of in my circle that are still married. I am proud of them and grateful for the values they instilled.

As I lay in bed one evening saying my prayers my father came to mind with such force it brought tears to my eyes. My father was a heavy smoker and could easily put down three packs of Marlboro a day without blinking an eye. His busy towing business provided the stress needed to be a chain smoker and at times, a pretty grumpy guy. To put in mildly, he was becoming unbearable to the rest of the family. His short temper and lack of time for anything but work were taking their toll on the rest of us and although she never said anything to us, I’m sure my mom was feeling the effect. Dad was basically being a tyrant and smoking himself to death in the process.  The urge to pray for him fell on my heart so heavily.

“Lord” I prayed. “I know if dad died tonight he wouldn’t go to heaven as he doesn’t know You, please Father…please soften his heart and send heavenly messengers across his path to guide him to you.”, I couldn’t bare the thought of going to heaven and my dad not being there. I also prayed that God would help my dad stop smoking. Only an act of God would stop him so I was in the right place. I left my dad at the gates of heaven and believed God would handle it. I was not prepared for what came next.

As God brings us to new levels of faith we will sometimes find ourselves back in the wilderness we started in. It is through these spiritual growth spurts that we will mature and draw closer to Him. These spiritual growth spurts are a test of strength and faith and often leave us feeling alone and helpless. It isn’t until we have hung on by a thread and slowly pulled ourselves back up, clinging to His robes that we realize that we have just been blessed with a promotion.

Over the past three years my father had been involved in a group that had joined forces in order to expose corruption in one of our local police departments. This project would prove to be a nightmare for our family and would also be the launching pad for numerous miracles in my life and that of my family. The effects on life when good meets evil is indescribable and should only be attempted with a pocket full of money, never ending prayer and at least 300 people totally dedicated to your cause.  My involvement in this situation was to design a web site for this group of people to place their information on. I proceeded with prayer and as a result met my husband. I then backed away.  My dad on the other hand, had been wronged by the corrupt individuals and as time passed his actions were fueled by hate and resentment. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

To make a very long story very short I can only say that this situation was one of those that God uses to bring good out of bad. Although the way He did it didn’t seem so at first. I prayed and prayed for my dad to come to know The Lord and I can look back and see many times where God tapped him on his shoulder and dad just kept moving forward with his mission to put these corrupt individuals away no matter what the cost. Then God stepped in and answered the prayer. 

In the month of January 2025, my father was arrested and was not permitted to bond out of jail. This is unheard of for what he was charged with. Secondly, the judge that would have let him out of jail was taken off the case and a judge reputed to be the worst on the bench was assigned to the case. Our family was devastated. Dad was gone, his business was going under, my mother was alone, they were losing their home, it was just plain horrible. All of these bad things were orchestrated by corrupt police officials. Where was God? When was He going to deliver us? I had just finished preaching to my dad about the value and benefits of faith. He was never going to believe after this and his first words when I told him it was during the worst times that he had to have the most faith were “Yea, right”. This was bad.

It is a state law that smoking is not permitted in county buildings including the jail. Prayer number one answered. My father quit smoking. Within weeks we could hear the difference in his breathing and even his skin color returned to a normal peachy olive tone that most Italians have.

Our lawyers tried every legal maneuver available to no avail. This judge was not budging. My father was staying in jail. Bad Cop or God? It is so easy to blame the flesh when things look bad to the eye. Looking back, I choose not to give the bad cop the glory for these events. I praise God for what He was doing in my father.  My dad was so full of anger and rage. At times he would call from the jail and one by one our family members would hang up feeling stressed and resentful. His hate was contagious. I prayed God would soften his heart and open his eyes. I also prayed for our own protection. Little by little my dad started to soften. His focus was starting to shift from the bad cops to himself. My mom and I started to minister to him and share Godly things…he was listening. Seven months after my father was incarcerated it was obvious that no matter what happened he was at peace knowing he was not alone. He had found The Lord. One day he called me and in an un-Christian like way I let slip a curse word (one of my thorns) and he scolded me with, “Please don’t use that kind of language, I don’t swear anymore…the Lord doesn’t like it”.  Prayer number two…answered. My father had FINALLY come to know the Lord! My father had accepted salvation.

Who would have ever thought that these horrible circumstances would result in the answer to two major prayers? There is NO greater blessing than the blessing of salvation for us and our loved ones. THIS is the ultimate answer to prayer. A non-believer would find a way to discredit the situation but we as followers of Christ know better.  My dad recently went to trial for what he was charged with and ironically, the jury returned an inconsistent verdict. Our lawyers say they have never seen such a thing. Apparently God is not finished there.  I always knew my father would be a great laborer for God’s Kingdom and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has planned for him.  As each day passes he grows more and more like Christ. One need only talk to him to know it. Is there any better answer?

If you prayed and asked God to lead your husband, wife, fiancé’, or other loved one to salvation and the Lord said to you “I will give you your answer because I wish all men to be saved but I need to take him/her away for a short time” would you accept that and be at peace knowing God was answering? Just because things don’t unfold the way you expect doesn’t mean God isn’t answering, it simply means you have to trust the way He has chosen to manifest that answer.

The next time you say a prayer and the complete opposite happens don’t give up. Sometimes God has to bring it right down to nothing in order to bless you with the most incredible answer and it is by having faith when things look darkest that you will grow and be blessed beyond your wildest imagination. God never says “No”. What he does say is wait and sometimes “I have something MUCH better for you”. This promotion requires a new level of trust and faith you just have to simply believe!  


  © 2025 Michele M. Washam. Author of

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