following is a collection of prayers submitted by J4L members,
found on the Internet or written by the author. We strongly
encourage you to send your special prayers in to share with
others. Please send your prayers to
[email protected]
Prayers to Share is a wonderful way to encourage others going
through heartbreak and other situations associated with it.
A very special thanks to our friends at WELS ministry for allowing us to reprint their prayers
on this section of Just 4 Ladies. You can visit their web site by clicking
here. All of the WELS prayer are copyright so please ask
for permission from the [email protected]
before using them.
Prayers For You To Say... |
Page Two |
Prayer for a
Broken Heart |
Dear Jesus,
my heart’s been broken, my feelings are hurt, my dreams are
shattered. I desperately need you today. You promised to
make all things work for good to those who love you.
Although I don’t see how this can possibly work for my good
right now, but I rely on you because you have never broken a
promise to me. Give me patience as I struggle, make me
stronger, and bring me closer to you.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Caring |
Dear Lord,
I was sharing a problem with a friend when he said, "I
couldn't care less!" and he walked away. Please help anyone
with that attitude. Show them Christ's attitude of "I
couldn't care more!" It led him to the cross. It leads us to
forgiveness, the abundant life and perfect eternity. Help us
to exhibit Christ's care for others.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Commitment |
when you said "Take up your cross and follow me" you were
looking for commitment. Motivated by your love, your
disciples modeled it beautifully. Why is it so hard to come
by today? Youth and adults hear that same call today and
make their vows at your altar. Then in an amazingly short
time they wander. Fill us with your love so that we may live
the totally committed life until you fulfill your commitment
to take us to heaven.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Compassion |
Father, when Jesus "saw the multitudes he was moved with
compassion." His desire to help and enfold the scattering
souls moved Him to the very depth of His being. I also see
desperate people. Sometimes my sinful nature says they are
getting what they deserve. Fill me with Christ's love so
that I can reach out and enfold needy souls with Christ like
compassion. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Decisions |
I admit I've made many bad decisions. I wish that sometimes
you could have reached down from heaven and stopped me. But
this I know. You were always there. You made the best out of
my bad decisions. You are always working for good in the
lives of all those who love you. Thank you, Father. In
Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
dealing with divorce and its results |
O giver of
all things good, merciful God, still my troubled heart
and bring healing to our broken family. I was devastated the
first time I knew the divorce was certain. "How can these
things be?" I groaned. "What about the children?" I worried.
Now that the divorce is real, the pain continues. The
children suffer, often caught in the middle of bitter
infighting, sometimes set adrift on conflicting waves of
emotion. I feel helpless to improve matters myself, O God,
but you can help. Turn each spouse to see their own sins in
what has happened. Move them to repent, and help them to
trust Jesus for forgiveness and to move on in their lives.
Above all, keep the children in your care. Give them the
comfort, wisdom, and understanding necessary to come safely
through the conflict. As you will, O Lord, help me help the
In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Will |
Dear Lord,
I have prayed repeatedly, "Thy will be done." My children
have left the church, we are about to lose the family
business. Is this your will, Lord? Turn my head around so
that I don't even ask that question. The fallen world is
full of evil, but your will is always that I experience your
love through Jesus Christ. Help me to see this even in the
most difficult times.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. |
For good
days |
Dear Lord,
thank you for answering so many of our prayers. We are in
awe of your goodness. We thank and praise you for your
outstanding power, which keeps us in awe of you. And for
your peace, which gives us hope when we feel hopeless. For
your presence, which makes us feel loved when we feel
unlovable. For your grace, which reminds us that we are your
You are an amazing God. It overwhelms me that you do not
simply tolerate me, but that you are actually consumed by
your love for me. Keep me focused on that love, so that I
finish the race, clinging to you. I can't wait to be with
you in heaven, forever.
We ask everything in Jesus' name, trusting that your
Spirit intercedes for us. Amen. |
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