Abundant Joy's Page:
Very nice site containing chat room,
prayer, music, poetry, devotionals and more.
Amerak Publications:
Inspirational in itself toward the spirit,
as well educational to the mind, more so merciful in HIS LOVE.
Articles for Christian Living: Finally Free!:
Christian inspirational writings for
encouragement, meditation, and devotions. Site also includes a
Bible reference aid, a paper on evangelism, and a poem about
running away from God
Bar None!:
God's love for mankind is overwhelmingly
inclusive. Bar none!
Ideas, encouragement and practical help to
those who are teaching children music. Great for children's
choirs, camps, retreats, Christian schools, home schools, day
care, or any children's event where music is used
For Those Who are Hurting:
Your hurts DO matter....your concerns ARE
important...and there is a God in heaven who loves you no matter
what it is that has come into your life to cause you that kind
of pain. This is a site offering encouragement to women in the
body of Christ who are "wounded warriors" and have lost hope
that things can ever be right or that they can ever be forgiven
or succeed in their walk with the Lord
God's Garden:
Inspirational Christian poetry and
writings intended for spiritual growth and encouragement
Cafe Ministries: JesusCafe is a place
for Christian fellowship, discussion, prayer, encouragement, but
most of all ministry. We hope that through showing the love of
Christ and relaying sound doctrine, that people will come to
accept Jesus as Savior or be encouraged and strengthened in
their Christian walk
John 3:16 movie:
A short movie depicting the crucifixion. A
very soul-stirring clip. (you will need a browser that can read
shockwave to view this)
Living Truth:
Do you hunger for a more vibrant and
living Christian experience? Do you sense that there must be
more for you than what the "status quo" has to offer? Are you
tired of feeling useless to God and helpless in dealing with
everyday struggles? We hope to inspire one another to new
heights of courage and confidence in our mighty Lord and King,
Jesus Christ
Promise Checks:
At Promise Checks, we have taken
paintings, drawings, illustrations and artwork by accomplished
Christian artists and have combined them with scripture verses
that together inspire and offer encouragement
Robin's Encouragement Home Page:
This website is devoted almost entirely to
encouragement and devotional pages written with the hope of
reaching others in a time of need. By God's grace something
written here will help you feel our precious Lord's presence in
your life, and you will be drawn into His love, peace and open
From Victims to Victory: Sisters of Tamar:
Sisters of Tamar is a ministry to
survivors of sexual abuse and sexual violence. The founder and
co-founders of the ministry are survivors of incest or other
sexual abuse. These women wanted to share their experiences and
their healing with others.
Smile! God Loves You!:
Welcome to the Wonderful World of
Encouragement where there is only Sunshine and Smiles ! Where
every word is an encouraging word....and the skies are not
cloudy or gray!
"When I Say I Am A Christian":
An uplifting and inspirational poem
written on a beautiful background
Where Jesus Is Lord:
A Christian homepage with lots to do, wavs,
humor, good graphics, edifying, pics, encouragement, a church
sermon, fun for the family
Women Of Power:
Aim to encourage, empowering and equipping
women to use their God calling gift. You can also visit our main
website at