The Just4Ladies
Prayer Angel Army is the heart and soul of the J4L Heartbreak
Community. We know the loneliness that accompanies losing
someone you love and our prayer angels are especially
knowledgeable about how tough it can be to keep standing when
all seems silent. You're not alone and we'll do our best to help
you through every single step of your journey.
We are
determined to help each of our sisters through the devastation
and rejection caused by a broken heart.
What Do Prayer
Angels Do? Prayer angels pray one-on-one with you online and
on the phone and in person where possible.
How do I get a Prayer Angel? Simply fill in the form
below to request a Prayer Angel, it usually takes about 72 hours
to be contacted.
How can I become a Prayer Angel? Send an e-mail to
[email protected]
requesting an interview. If you can pray and encourage you're
just right for the job!
If you can devote
10 minutes of your day to praying over the prayer requests we
receive from our members, and can offer some of your spare time
to one or more members on an individual basis, if you believe
God can and will do the impossible for those with a broken
heart, if you have a good understanding of scripture and can
guide new believers through the first steps of their walk, then
please...join us. We'd love to have you and more importantly, we
need you.
** With heartbreak
reaching epidemic proportions worldwide, we are in DESPERATE
need of prayer angels.