Ingredients for a Miracle
Michele Washam (Author)
The Ingredients for a Miracle is a
true story of my journey with God and a written dialogue of every
detailed lesson I learned while seeking the answer to the most
important prayer to ever leave my lips, The prayer of restored
What do you do when someday someone
you love just stops loving you? When they haven't got a clue of
the pain the rejection is putting you through? After the most
heartbreaking experience of my life, I dedicated the next year to
learning how to obtain a miracle. With a lot of prayer an open
mind and a commitment to change myself so that I could receive the
blessing of true love in my life, I found the formula. Inspired by
God to share the ingredients He requires for a miracle I am proud
to introduce my very first book. The Ingredients for a Miracle.

$12.00 +$4.50
Don't waste anymore
time pinning over that special someone you have lost, let me show
you how to bring true, perfect, blessed love into your life. With
these ingredients you will never go wrong. |
Clark (A Just4Ladies member and journalist.)
This book is a wonderful, detailed
story of Michele's journey through heartache, self-discovery,
spiritual discovery and more. She has managed to bring the pain of
heartbreak and the joy of knowing there is a light at the end of
the tunnel, onto paper. Michele's experiences show you how to find
the peace of God and hold onto it while you wait for restoration
or new love. This book moved me to tears at times and gave me hope
to keep pressing on. I was amazed at how this little book
enlightened me and taught me how not to move backwards. All
the lessons to obtain the miracle are here. The more you
read the more you learn about how God wants to change us and
prepare us for the blessing of true love, when you have all of the
ingredients in the bowl, look out!
A step by step guide to obtaining
the miracle of restoration of a relationship or new love. Complete
with scripture to back it up. All of the answers are in our Bible
but Michele puts the best ones in order for us. Excellent detail
to getting through the rough spots, how to recognize God's answers
with regard to the miracle you seek and tons of inspiration and
encouragement to bring you through. The results are a guaranteed
plan to restore your lost love or bring blessed, everlasting love
into your life.
Pre-Release Reviews
"Shell, if the book is half as
good as the site I can't wait to get my copy and read the whole
thing, so far so good sis!!" - Francis S. J4L Member
"OMG Michele! You hit the nail
on the head with this one" - Carey F. J4L Member
" I have been following the
steps and I am happy to say that so
far everything is going good. I haven't spent days crying like
before and actually feel so much hope that he is coming back"
- Deborah C.
"...Within days of applying
your suggestions, my husband called and said he thought we should
reconsider our divorce!!. Your advice is priceless and I can not
wait to read this whole book. - Carman K. J4L Member
$12.00 +$4.50 S/H