The seven steps to
a miracle are derived from
A Course in
Heartbreak, the seven step workshop designed by the Michele
Washam, the author of Just4Ladies.com, RequestAMiracle.com and
HeartbreakUniversity.org. Over the past four years Michele has
helped hundreds of women survive heartbreak, overcome the
obstacles and obtain a miracle of self discovery and restored or
true love. The seven steps were inspired by God and meant to
help a world saturated with people dealing with the pain of
rejection by way of divorce, separation, and breakup. The seven
steps are designed to help you obtain the greatest blessing God
gives...the blessing of true, unconditional forever love.
All material found on the Seven Steps pages are
Copyright 2025
HeartbreakUniversity.org©. Copyright registration is on file
with the United States Library of Congress. No material may be
copied, shared or sold without the express written permission of
the author and/or her agent.
