There is one promise contained in the Bible that is sure to keep even the most pessimistic of all standers hopeful. It can be found in the Book of Psalms 37:4

"Delight in the Lord and He will give thee the desires of thine heart"

Does it get any better than that? When you have reached this point and you SINCERELY delight in God, He PUTS the desires in your heart and then sets out to fulfill them. A sincere delight in God and His constant presence in your life, a true belief and obedience to the guidelines He has set forth in His word and a righteous life are what delighting in Him is all about.

When you have reached this point you will have established a true trust in Him. It is all down hill from here. By delighting in Him you are content knowing He is in control of the whole situation. His grace and nearness fill the void of your lost love and until that person returns God is sufficient for you. The best part about it is once you have learned to delight in Him you find it is impossible to not have Him in your life front and center. This makes for a wonderful miracle and a lifetime of blessings that you weren't even aware of before you started your journey. The closer you draw to Him the clearer His will for you becomes, it is easier to see if what you are praying for lines up with His will for you. Now don't get nervous, if you've been reading your Bible then you already have a good idea of what His general will for us is. Some of the things we KNOW aren't acceptable are pinning over a married lover, asking to be reunited with a person who is abusing you or causing you to stay separated from Him, etc.

When you delight in God, you see Him in everything. You have developed spiritual vision which is necessary for living a righteous life. Delighting in God is a lot easier said than done and you have to remember that no matter how much you SAY you delight in Him, your heart is an open book of which He reads to see what your true intentions are. He KNOWS when you sincerely delight in Him and once you do it is only a matter of time before the answers to your hearts most intense desires are fulfilled.

Ask God to help you learn how to Delight in Him...He will.

The above is an excerpt  from "A Course in Heartbreak" - Other lessons in Step Five of the course include:

- The greatest promise of all
- Delight in the Lord & He will GIVE you the desires of your heart
- Seeing God in everything
- Delight can be easier said than done
- Righteous anger for lack of concern by others
- Take God seriously

A Course in Heartbreak is almost 200 pages of lessons designed to help you avoid the pitfalls of standing for a broken relationship. The Course is designed to guide you through the lessons God is teaching you without getting caught in the traps the devil sets for us. All material found on the Seven Steps pages are Copyright 2025©. Copyright registration is on file with the United States Library of Congress. No material may be copied, shared or sold without the express written permission of the author and/or her agent.





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