There is no better way to survive
heartbreak than with the support of your fellow J4L members.
There are several interactive options available to you right
here at Just4Ladies but it is highly recommended that you attend
church on a regular basis. If you are having trouble finding a
home church see the resources below, feel free to e-mail us with
any questions you may have. We can be reached at
[email protected]
Interactive Fellowship & Support Options
Why You Should
Attend Church
It is an Expression of our Love for
God |
It builds up our Spiritual Strength |
It brings a special visitation of
the Lord’s Presence |
It provides fellowship with other
Christians |
It is an act of obedience to God |
It provides accountability to
spiritual leadership |
It combines our spiritual strength
in prayer. |
It honors
the Lord’s Day - |
How to Choose a
Finding a church congregation in which you can worship and study
and have fellowship with other Christians is an important step
in your Christian growth. You may feel confused by the many
different denominations, uncertain about how to go about finding
a church. Shyness or bad experiences in the past may have caused
you to be anxious about this process. But if you will make the
effort to become active in a local church, your initial
apprehension will be eased, as you become a part of things and
find your own place as part of the church family.
It is important to recognize that no one group has a corner on
all the truth. There is much that is good in each Christian
denomination. Differences are found mainly in matters of
doctrine, organizational structure, styles of worship, and areas
of emphasis. For instance, some churches focus on Bible
teaching, others on missions, others on personal growth or
family activities. Some have a ritualized style of worship,
others are more informal.
Thus it becomes a matter of evaluating your own needs and
personal preferences. The Bible teaches in the competency of
each believer to understand matters of faith and to make
judgments about his/her needs. Each Christian is responsible for
himself/herself in matters of faith. So exercise your privilege
and responsibility to study the Scriptures for yourself,
cultivate your
relationship with God through prayer and meditation, and
investigate the congregations in your area so that you can find
the one which is right for you.
Friends can sometimes be helpful in this process. If you have a
similar lifestyle or share interests with certain persons, then
the kind of church in which they feel comfortable would probably
be one which would appeal to you as well. You might focus on
churches which have specific activities for your age group or
which can minister to some specific need which you have.
Once you have located a church whose style of worship and Bible
study seem to help you draw closer to God, it might be helpful
to make an appointment with the pastor to talk about more
specific kinds of issues, such as church doctrines and
practices. This would be especially important if the church is
affiliated with a denomination of which you have not previously
been a member.
Copyright 2025 North American Mission Board, SBC