Soul Winning 101
- Michele Washam &
Pastor Tom Mooty - West End Baptist Church
God, help me!” “Save Me!” “Fix my life!”
many days and how many nights do you call out to The Lord for
His help? How many times has He lowered His hand and
rescued you from the perils you were facing only to watch
you wander off down your own path again? How seriously
have you thought about your responsibility to Our Heavenly
Father for His love and grace which never ceases?
I’m not talking about the weekly visit to church or the
Bible study. I am talking about true faith in
action; and true service and devotion to Our Maker. Did
you ever notice how you wake each day and aggressively carry out
the responsibility of work and home or take a step back to
look at the effort you put forth making sure you “get
the job done” for your family, boss or company? Do you
give God the same effort with your responsibility to Him? Is
there anything left of you to give Him when you’ve
completed all of your earthly duties?
once said to me “If you go about His business,
He’ll go about yours.” What an incredible arrangement!
This statement almost always leads to the question,
“What is His business?”
When we
look at Jesus’ ministry here on earth we can clearly see His
mission was to save souls; to save the lost from an
eternity in hell. When I pondered on doing “His”
business; I thought of a passage found in the Bible:
“Take My yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am gentle
and humble in heart: and you will find rest for your souls. For
My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew
This passage spoke to my heart and made me realize how little I
give to Him in return for the bounty He gives to me.
pastor challenged us to win just ONE lost soul this year!
As he expressed it, “Make a difference in just ONE person’s
life this year”. It was a good challenge; and has
resulted in several being saved already.
first glance it probably seems easier to rebuild your car
engine than to “win a soul”; but in meditating on the above
scripture, it dawned on me that winning a lost soul
is not really that hard to do. Jesus promised us that His
“yoke was easy and His burden was light”; and we need only
look deeper into our hearts to truly understand how easy
it really is.
A yoke
is a wooden frame worn around the neck of a strong farm
animal. It is not a burden to the animal; instead it
gives him strength, it makes the load seem lighter. If you
were to hook a heavy load to an ox without a yoke, it would be
unbearable to him; the plow chains would cut into his hide
and choke him. A yoke is designed to eliminate, not cause,
when Jesus says to "take My yoke upon you”, this is
something good. It's designed to eliminate the pain. The
spiritual yoke spoken of in the Scripture is just the opposite
of an instrument of torture. In fact, it is an instrument
of mercy given to us by Jesus Christ, our Savior. A yoke makes
the work easier; and by giving control of the reigns to
The Master, we are allowing Him to work through us to accomplish
His purpose.
God’s children, we have been appointed the task of winning the
lost. It is our duty to “go and make disciples of all
the nations…” (Matthew 28:19). It is our
responsibility; and Jesus promised us that with Him by our
side, not only would we find rest in Him from the responsibility
of this task; but the burden He has given us would be
lighter (Matthew
always easier to try and win a soul when you are filled
with His Spirit; and united in His love, grace, wisdom and
guidance. It is then - and only then - that He can work
through you. Two forces working together in unity can
accomplish the task more efficiently than just one; and
this is especially true if one of those “forces” is God
Himself! Let the Master take the reigns and you will
marvel and what will be accomplished!
soul is the immaterial essence of a person; it is the
moral nature and the total person’s self. The
human soul is God’s most valuable asset here on earth
and He has entrusted one to each and every one of us. It
is up to us to nurture and protect our souls and we do so
by consuming God’s word, by fellowshipping with His Holy
Spirit, and by turning to Him for strength and wisdom when
the enemy attacks. Once we have become born_again in His
spirit, we learn how to do these things; but there
are countless numbers of people who neither know how to rescue
their own souls, nor do they even believe it is necessary.
As God’s children, we are supposed to understand how
valuable the soul is to Him; and therefore, we are expected to
allow our experience; our God given strength, faith, and
trust in Him to lead these lost souls into the light in
which we bask. If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard
it a million times: our duty as Believers is to win lost souls.
When we realize how incredibly important this mission is; it
will move us to actively seek out the lost to accomplish the
you are given a project to do at work; you will
probably analyze it, break it down into sections,
and then complete piece by piece until the whole project is
accomplished. It is that way in soul-winning.
souls can be won to Christ by simply sharing your
testimony and planting a seed; but others take more work.
that you’re on fire for the mission; you probably want
to get out there, cast your net, and pull in a multitude;
however, sometimes it is better to find just one and put your
energy into leading just that one to Jesus! This does not
mean that you should shun an opportunity to win several at the
same time; but the “one size fits all” concept rarely works
in this most important ministry of the soul.
the time to properly equip yourself for this mission. The
most important element to soul winning is, of course,
prayer and unity with God, He will lead you to the one He
has chosen for you to take under your wing; and, when you
listen to His voice and guidance, He’ll breathe the soul
winning words into your heart.
Down Your Barriers
Christians with whom I have talked about this mission have
expressed frustration at how often they are turned down,
rejected, or simply ignored. Ok! Now we know how
Jesus felt! He preached to thousands; and yet, when He
died, there was just a small handful of His followers there.
our best intentions can lead to disappointment because we
never really studied the barriers that are blocking us from
barriers?”, you say. “How dare you! I have
no barriers! I love Jesus with all of my heart! What
right do you have to speak of barriers?”
really very simple. Loving Him, and reflecting Him,
are two totally different things; and, by the way, don’t
forget the issue of giving Him control of your mission.
One of
the most common responses I get when trying to share my
faith with others is the issue of hypocrisy. A hypocrite
is a person who puts on a false virtue or appearance of
religion. The word comes from a Greek expression from the
ancient theater when male actors played all the different parts
in the play. A man could portray a woman, an animal, a
king, or a pauper simply by changing his “mask”; the it was
expressed that he was a “hypocrite” - meaning “the person
behind the mask”. He was actually portraying something
he was not in reality.
unsaved soul will immediately recognize a person who “talks
the talk but doesn’t truly walk the walk”. I believe
more would-be Christians have been lost by hypocrites than
anything else.
Look at
it this way, would you hire a mechanic to fix your car
when his own car is breaking down? Would you hire a
dentist who has no teeth?
Take a
very honest (sometimes painful) look in your spiritual mirror!
What do you see? Do you see a person that puts on his
“Sunday-go-to-meeting-best”; and shows up for Sunday
service; and smiles; and loves everyone: but then spends
the rest of the week in a foul mood being as rude as possible to
whom ever you come in contact? I
am speaking out of experience. I own a small business in a small
country town situated in
“Bible Belt”; and I never would have expected some of
the folks with whom I deal on a daily basis to be hypocrites.
Hey, after all; we’re in the Bible Belt, where just
about everyone preaches the Gospel and loves Jesus.
Frankly, I was shocked at how many folks I saw dressed up
in their Sunday best going to church on the weekend with a
heavenly smile on their face only to find out that the
rest of the week they were as rude as a New Yorker during rush
hour traffic!
How can
you possibly expect to be effective as a soul winner acting like
that? When I speak to Christians about this attitude; I am
normally met with a defensive reaction, with the first
retort being “I have been a Christian for MANY years!” This
pious attitude is exactly what the enemy feeds on and uses
against us; and how he retains the lost souls we are
trying to win from his grasp. Hypocrisy is the most sure way to
fail as a soul winner!
doesn’t matter how long you have been a Christian or how well
you know your Bible. What matters is how well you apply
what you have learned over the years! The older we
get as Christians, and the farther we go in the Faith, the more
humble we should be in spirit. It is this humble spirit
that attracts those troubled souls to us.
second barrier is lack of faith. A person with luke warm
faith will surely project the lack of conviction to
others. To attempt to win souls when your heart truly
isn’t in it will result in an empty net. Before we can deal
with the barriers of the souls we have been entrusted to
try to win, we have to break down our own barriers.
We have to identify the back doors the enemy can enter and seal
them tight.
addition to the weapons God has given us to protect ourselves
(Ephesians 6:10_18), we have to be responsible for how we
are seen by the world. Our prayer and open ear to Gods wisdom
will equip us with the faith we need to win those souls.
By allowing God to show you these barriers and allowing
Him to help you break them down, you have instantly
lightened your burden.
third and possibly the biggest barrier we face is sometimes
found even in the church family itself. That is jealousy!
If you
think the enemy doesn’t work within the hearts and minds
of the church family itself; sadly, you are wrong. A
church clique is one of the most dangerous weapons we face on
the soul winning mission. This group is usually the
best dressed, most popular and most vocal group in the
church; usually consisting of five or more people who feel their
seniority in the church has placed them on a higher level
than the rest of the members. So, when the “lower
class” abandon the idea of “fitting in” and simply set out
to accomplish the task set before them with vigor and
ambition, the clique can turn very hostile. Anything that
exposes how little this group really does for God will
usually cause them to set their snares; and, although they
appear to be loving and supportive, these are the
“wolves in sheep’s clothing” Jesus warned us of. They
will fit every description of hypocrisy; and will do it to your
face and even with a smile. The actions of these clique
members often leave even a true warrior feeling hurt,
angry, frustrated and confused. This is how the enemy
causes division and we all know that a house divided CAN NOT
actions will almost always make you wonder if the work you are
doing is worth it; or leave you questioning your own
ambition. If you are faced with this dilemma, pray that
God will reveal their actions to them; and, at the same time,
you ask for His protection and put on the armor He has
freely given you (Ephesians 6:10_18). Never forget,
He has inspired you to do what you are doing for Him; and
so long as you focus on Him, He will accomplish the task
through you. If after you read this you feel
conviction in your heart and realize that you may, in fact, BE
one of the clique members, please realize that being the
best dressed, the oldest, or the most popular member of your
church is not going to get you into heaven! In fact, it
isn’t even pleasing to God!
your actions fair to other members? Do you feel jealousy
or envy when you see another member accomplishing God’s
mission while you focus on your importance in the church or
community? If so, it may be time to take your
thoughts and actions to God in prayer. Your pastor may be
able to help you rid yourself of these feelings that have caused
you to place yourself above your fellow church family
members and possibly caused them to stumble on their
journey. When you have addressed and removed your
own barriers you can effectively help a lost soul do the same.
The Barriers of the Unsaved Soul
barriers we have to overcome when dealing with an unsaved
person are easily identifiable after a few conversations,
maybe even one. The first thing with which you will come in
contact is the person’s mentality, or their mode or way of
thinking. In many cases this mentality is the result of
decades of living in the flesh. Some folks have
experienced horrific situations in their past that prevent
them from seeing a brighter future.
have allowed the enemy’s weapon of logic to blind them from
the truth. “God doesn’t help people anymore”, they
rationalize. “I can’t ever see Him in my life so how
can I believe He is there?”. These are common
responses to an initial conversation about salvation. It
has taken them a lifetime of bad habits to achieve their
current “unsaved” status; so, don’t be discouraged if your
first efforts do not result in an overnight change. By helping
them see the barriers themselves; it will be easier for
you to help them break them down, piece by piece; and in
the process, you can help them build a new and blessed
foundation - The foundation of salvation!
will draw a person to you more readily than sympathetic
ears and wide shoulders. A lost soul almost always wants
to tell you why he or she is at that place in life.
Nothing feels better than knowing someone cares about all of
your hurts and that they are listening with a sincere
concern to help you to identify some of the other barriers
that prevent them from falling into God’s loving arms.
to a person sift through the dusty and often ugly corners
of their heart helps you to better equip yourself through
prayer to help them clean out the old garbage and start
filling it with the new and positive things that will lead them
in the right direction. Helping them to identify and
appreciate the blessings they do have such as a home, a
family, food on their table, etc is a good way to set the
stage. Amplifying what they have been blessed with; and helping
them to retrain their thinking to see the blessings they
have taken for granted is always a good first step.
The way
a person thinks is a powerful barrier. When I was
traveling through the first days of my journey of
salvation, my thoughts played a big part in my progress. It was
only when I learned to take control of my thoughts that my
progress was visible to both my eyes and my spirit. For
many people who have been lost in the world and the flesh,
their mode of thinking will be the controlling factor. As soul
winners, it is wise to teach them to recondition their faulty
thinking. This is a step-by-step process that lays a solid
foundation for a permanent life and spiritual change.
One way
to do this is to tackle the “what ifs”! In every case
I have seen, I could say that 99.9% of the “what ifs”
never happen; instead, they are just a tactic of the enemy for
injecting fear into our minds; which in turn prevents us from
trusting in God totally.
Now, I
ask you. Are you convinced? Have I “sold you”?
Then, what are you going to do about it? What decisions
will you make to become the soul-winner that God has called you
to be?
Ask The
Lord to forgive you for all the barriers you have erected to
fulfilling your mission of winning souls. Then, as Jesus
told the woman, “Go, and sin no more”. In other words,
“Get busy with what He has called you to do; and it will be
amazing what will happen! E-mail
me with your decision; and let’s work together to make
some amazing things happen!
If you
do not know The Lord Jesus as your personal Savior; if you have
never come to the place where you have confessed your sins, and
trusted Him to forgive you; you can do that right now. Go
ahead! Confess your sins to Jesus; ask Him to save you!
a prayer that will always work, if you are sincere.
“Lord Jesus, I am a sinner; and I am sorry about that. I
confess my sins to you; and I am ready to receive your wonderful
forgiveness. Receive me and make me your child, I ask you
in Jesus’ Name. Amen”.
Did you
do that? Did you mean it? Then, thank Him for saving
cement it down by telling somebody! Anybody! Tell
somebody what you have done; find a Gospel-preaching church;
join in with them - and get busy in God’s Great Big Work!
E-mail me about your
decision; and let’s work together to start your new life in
A special thanks to
Pastor Tom Mooty at The West End Baptist Church for his
contribution to this months article.
About Pastor Mooty
Saved in 1965
at the age of 24; and called to preach shortly thereafter, Tom
Mooty has pastored two churches for a total of 34 years; and
been assistant pastor for an additional 2 years.
Tom studied
for electrical engineering; and worked at
Southern Bell
and Newport Utilities in engineering for eight years. He
resigned this field to enter the full-time ministry. He
began pasturing
West End
in 1971; and served until 1987; when he felt The Lord leading
him to serve the First Baptist
. In August, 2025; The West End Baptist Church called him
and his wife of 44 years, Anita, to return to
and “pick up where he left off”.
Tom has a BS
degree from
; and has done further study on a master’s degree from Temple
Baptist Theological Seminary and Southern Seminary.
Tom, 63,
jokes about being an “almost medicare minister”; but gets
deadly serious when he says, “I do not intend to retire,
as long as The Lord gives me breath to speak and a hand to
write; and wisdom to know how to do both”.
He and Anita
have three married children; and eight grand children; and make
their home in
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