Speaking Life Into the Miracle

Author - Michele Washam

Every time I am in heavy duty prayer for a heavy duty request I find myself daydreaming about the time when the answer will manifest. Look at that, I’m a poet and didn’t know it… *chuckle* Anyway, While reading the Bible I came across the story of Jesus and Lazarus (John 11), this story stood out and made me realize that my faith, applied in thoughts, deeds, actions and words was the thing that was going to give life to the miracle I was praying for.  Jesus knew with all the faith His heart was capable of having that even though His friend was dead and decaying, GOD CAN DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!  The first thing Jesus did was ordered the stone blocking Lazarus grave moved. There is a point to be made here. It is necessary for us to remove the “stones” that block our miracles. These stones can include doubt, anger at what appears to be no sign of an answer, fear, rebellion (wanting the miracle your way and not trusting God’s way) and the biggest stone, lack of faith. Once the stone is removed your prayers can penetrate and give life.

Jesus said, “LAZARUS COME FORTH!” and forth he came.  “Loose him and let him go!”, The Lord ordered.  People were amazed. The entrance of God’s word brings light (Psalm 119:130), your miracles are no different. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Praying a prayer with the utmost faith and devotion is what is required but praying a prayer and boldly ordering it to life is what God WANTS from us. It shows Him that our faith is rock solid and we aren’t just hoping He is going to answer we are KNOWING He is going to answer.  Meanwhile, let those daydreams be the driving force. When you have those brief moments of utter bliss thinking about what life is going to be like when the prayer is answered, hold that thought, build on it. Talk to God and tell Him, Father, in my minds eye I can see how wonderful it will be when You send the answer.  Don’t let the daydream fade, allow it to take over your heart and enjoy the hope and expectation it brings. God never lets you hope for the impossible; enjoy this preview in your mind and heart of what’s to come.

I can remember being in HBU class one evening speaking to some of the students about our prayers to come to Tennessee and I made a statement that I was going to have a country home, surrounded by mountains where I could bake apple pie, take care of my family and open the Al Shaddai Heartbreak Retreat. It has been 4 months since I have declared that and I have baked at least two apple pies, my kids love it here and I have the Smokey Mountains on every side of me, additionally, God took it one-step further and we LIVE on English Mountain about two thirds up. I have never been more content in my life. I felt the longing in my heart, day dreamed about this place and less than 90-days we were here.

Lately, God has placed in on my heart to pray for my father. I am not just praying for him, I am preparing for him. I have purchased items for when he comes to visit, I have told my new neighbors and friends to get ready to meet my family. In my heart, I can feel God pushing me in that direction, and just like Elijah had to pray for rain seven times before rain came, God is requiring me to pray my father home. This is no problem for most of us until someone comes along and says “Don’t get your hopes up, nothing in the flesh suggests this miracle”. The day I start believing in the flesh is the day I lay down my pen and walk away from it all. I have NEVER EVER had a miracle look good to the eye before manifesting. EVER!  It would take the fun out of it for God. Not only that, I like knowing that any day I can wake up and that’s the day I get my miracle.  The secret to success is to speak life into your miracle. See it then say it. Speak God’s words into it and watch it come to life. Don’t let the enemy (or the people he sends to give his message) tell you that because so much time has passed it must not be His will, bank on the fact that if you have prayed and God has given you the desire in your heart He is going to manifest it.

Praying God will help you get that new house? Start picking colors, put a picture on the refrigerator and every day say “This is MY new house”

Waiting for your husband to come back? Don’t speak about him as an ex or almost ex refer to him as YOUR HUSBAND. Claim that promise and speak it into life. i.e. MY husband and I are going on vacation to CELEBRATE our new life together!

Need your partner to stop over working, drinking, cheating? See your marriage or relationship as healed. Don’t allow the enemy to show you ANYTHING but God’s promise. Get up each day and make a declaration of life.

Today, MY Declaration of life is that MY DAD WILL BE HOME FOR 4th of July BARBQUE and J4L/HBU will sell 37 books each day!! I am preparing for that!  You all have witnessed my declaration…now get ready for my miracle report!

Don’t base your level of expectation and faith on the way things look in the flesh, daydream and speak into your miracle the way you dream it will be and then get ready for God’s best blessing!

I DECLARE Victory in Christ for all of you most heartfelt prayers. Now PREPARE for the manifestation!



  © 2025 Michele M. Washam. Author of

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