American Bar Association
Includes a Public Information section with lawyers referral
State by state directory of divorce lawyers
Great resource for finding any professional in the field of
law including a divorce lawyer near you
Alpha Legal Directory
State directories of attorneys and legal resources
Divorce Forms and Laws
Attorney-authored web site which provides information of
divorce, custody, support and legal forms
National Divorce & Bankruptcy Center
$88 divorce with detailed instructions for each state
Free Legal Advice
Free advice about divorce and child custody issues
Jerett's Legal Kits
Suppliers of do-it-yourself divorce kits
Divorce Services Online
Offers divorce services online for California residents
Search for a lawyer anywhere in the U.S. by practice, city
or state
Divorce Wizards
A complete divorce resource
Attorneys For Divorce
Easy to navigate nationwide list of lawyers specializing in
Divorce Law Information Service Center
Explore the possibility of getting a divorce without hiring
an attorney
Low-Cost Legal Divorce
Deals with divorce in Arizona and child support cases
Win Child Custody
Teaches you how to defend and win custody of your child