Heart Hears his Voice
Michele Starkey
"Speak Lord, for
your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:9)
Is God sitting in the audience as you perform your daily prayers
or is He sitting by your side - having a conversation with you?
Are you a one-act play with God in the audience?
Are you talking with God or to God? Are you listening to His
voice or just speaking your own mind (…after all, you do have
your own free will. Just remember, that same free will, caused
a lot of heartache for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden!)
No matter where you are in the world, no matter what you may be
going through at this very moment, it cannot compare to the
burden that He is carrying for you. Talk with Him, not to Him,
by starting a little two-way conversation with Him. Start a
conversation with something like, "Hi God, how are you doing
today? I realize that you're under a lot of pressure with the
weight of the world on your shoulders…"
Give Him the opportunity to respond to you. No one appreciates
someone who tries to be the center of attention all of the time
and it certainly must be the same with Him. He is the center of
the universe. How can you possibly try to upstage God and yet,
so many of us don't give Him the chance to take center stage.
He is the leading man. You can be His leading lady. Just use
your heart and listen to His voice.
Michele Starkey is a
brain aneurysm survivor who enjoys writing and sharing stories
with others. She is living life to the fullest in the Hudson
Valley of New York.
©2025 Copyright Just4Ladies. Used
with the permission of the author. For more information or to
contact the author please e-mail
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request permission.