Doesn't Anyone Love Me?

Author: Marlene - Texas Seed Sower/Prayer Vine

What do you think really goes through the mind of a person who takes
their life by suicide? If we could ask them after the fact, I think we
might find that no matter how many times they may have been told
that they were loved, they NEVER TRULY BELIEVED THAT THEY WERE.
If they believed in God, they certainly could not have believe that He
really loved them, because in their way of thinking, "Why would I be
suffering so much if God really loved me?"

We make lists...lists that say..."If you love me, you will do such and
We make those lists for God too, often determining His love by what He
does or does not do for us...examples:

If God loved me:
I would not be sick... I could not have contracted this disease...
I would be prosperous and never suffer any needs...
That promotion would have been mine, not the other person's...
My children would not be acting like they are...
That loved one would not have died and been taken from me...

Our lists go on and on; we are inclined to believe that if God does not
fill them, then He must not love us! And, the thought process continues...
if God doesn't love me, what's the use of trying, why even live? These
are lies from the pit of hell! If Satan can get you to believe these lies,
he can control your destiny.

When Jesus was tempted to turn away from God by the devil and commit
suicide by throwing Himself off of the cliff, how did He overcome? He

"IT IS WRITTEN!" When Lucifer overcame Eve, and Adam, how did he do it?
He said, "Hath not God SAID?" He began to twist in Eve's mind what God
had clearly said. He got her to buy the lie! God has made a covenant with
us...He WROTE OUT His promises! He saw from the very beginning that Satan
would come to us and try to talk us out of what He has said. God made an
agreement with us in writing... it is called the Bible. Satan cannot stand
against the written Word of God.

Oral agreements are not binding any more. Just try to go to the bank
and orally promise to pay them back so many dollars per month for
the item they loaned you the money for, without a written contract! Even
in sincerity, an oral contract can be misunderstood, so we write it out
and sign the dotted line. God signed the dotted line of His promise that
He loves us, and that we can live with Him forever, with the shed blood of
His Son Jesus Christ.

God has clearly written down when He began to love us so that we cannot
be talked out of it by the devil. No longer can we ask, "Doesn't ANYBODY
love me?" For it is written that God loves us, along with when He began...

God didn't start loving us when we became good enough to be loved... God
IS LOVE, (I John 4:16) and He has loved us ever since He has been. He
loved Jesus, according to John 17:14, "before the foundation of the world."

Jesus prayed (John 17:21)..."Thou, Father...has loved them, as thou hast
loved me." He has loved us from the foundation of the world...It is

Romans 5:8 (Emphasis mine)
God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us

I'm not worthy to be loved, but that changes nothing, God still loves me
because He IS love. As Christians, God will not turn from loving us if we
do something wrong or make a mistake...He will correct us, but not stop
loving us because of Christ Jesus' sacrifice and His very own nature.

Romans 5:15
For this one man, Adam, brought death to many through his sin. But
this man Jesus Christ, brought forgiveness to many through God's mercy.

I John 5:11-13 (Emphasis mine)
And what is it that God has said? That he has given us eternal life, and
that this life is in his Son. So whoever has God's Son has life; whoever
does not have his Son, does not have life. I HAVE WRITTEN this to you who
believe in the Son of God so that you may know you have eternal life.

How it must grieve the heart of God when we believe the lie that we are
not loved by Him... When our "lists" dictate the extent of God's love to

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, and we can know
that we have eternal life because...

"Yes, Jesus loves me ... yes, Jesus love me ... yes, Jesus loves me ...
the Bible tells me so!" Because He loves me, I can trust that He will
NEVER leave me nor forsake me. I am not alone... Yes, SOMEBODY loves
me and I have so much to live for! Selah!

Planted and rooted in the love of Christ Jesus,





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