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- " Fate only takes you so far.
The rest is up to you. "
--- From Can't Hardly Wait --- Submitted
by Angie Gill --- Oregon
- " Don't deny hope it's chance to work magic!"
--- Lee Alan Fruits --- Washington
- " History has proven,
God has never given anyone a dream
Without also including the power to achieve that dream;
It is up to us to claim the power and go after that dream,
Or just claim , it was only a dream."
--- Larry Bennett --- Author/OPW
- " It is the darkest hour before dawn."
--- Sent by Jody C. Burnett ---
- " If you bungle raising your children,
I don't think whatever else you do matters very much."
--- Jackie Kennedy Onassis ---
Contributed by Brandi Nunnery
- " Tell me who admires and loves you,
and I will tell you who you are."
--- Charles Augustin Sainte-Beauve
Contributed by Karina Maria --- Maryland
- " Use disappointments as material for patience."
--- Contributed by Vanessa Bergmann ---
" It is not easy to live life sometimes
And face the world with a smile when you're crying inside.
It takes a lot of courage to reach down inside yourself,
Hold on to that strength that's still there,
And know that tomorrow is a new day-with new possibilities.
But if you can just hold on long enough to see this through,
You'll come out a new person-stronger,
With more understanding and with a new pride in yourself
From knowing you made it."
--- By Kathy Obara --- Sent in by Vicki
- " When you come to the end of everything you know
And are faced with the darkness of the unknown,
Faith is knowing one of two things will happen.
Either there will be something solid for you to stand on,
Or you will be taught how to fly."
--- Barbara J. Winter --- Contributed by
Jamie Smelley
--- Author's name supplied by Michael Mindala, Age 17 --- Ohio
- " We can't begin to understand what God has planned for
But we face each day with a smile, and in his name we trust
For in this vast world.....is Love
If only we could see the dove
It seems sometimes he doesn't care
When things get rough and hard to bear
But with our Faith we can survive
Because in our hearts HE is Alive!!"
By Beth Knight --- From
Arkansas, Living in England